
Surviving Humanity- Rich Poverty, No Gain


Mother Nature and human life depend on one another for their survival.

With this simple concept in mind, countries and societies around the world appear to have leaders as puppets, their draw strings pulled by others hidden from sight. Monetary gain remains the focus under the false concept of economic survival alone.

In the end we are left with rich poverty, and no gain.

What does it mean to survive humanity?

We breathe oxygen in from our atmosphere as our life force. We exhale carbon dioxide taken in by Mother Nature. In turn she supplies us with our oxygen.

We, the people, even as non-scientists, can understand that tsunamis. earthquakes and floods are Mother Nature’s way of expelling surplus negative energy that accumulates in our atmospheres.

As a result, they are the by-product of mankind as pollution and negative energy.

Carbon dioxide is our waste product as Mother Natures is hers, and our oxygen and her gift to us. She keeps our atmospheres in balance, maintaining our ice caps and seasons world wide. With her seasons come the natural cycle of death and rebirth, both actually and symbolically.

You see, we are one.

To survive humanity is to understand this and that, one cannot exist without the other.

Rich Poverty, No Gain

Bird Flu, cesspools and war go hand in hand with governments, politicians and law.

The minority who governs and rule the world, behold and overthrow the majority who are the people.

We remain distracted, unaware and uneducated.  Our mediums for communication such as the TV and radio focus on war and the economy.

Even then, failure results as debt, famine, war and global warming prevail.

Why do we allow this to happen? I too, whilst aware of these facts, like many, are pre-occupied with work and raising children. Our work hours too long for both the human mind and body to take the time needed to reflect and act.

It is a frustrating hamster wheel of life.

At the now age of 52, I hope with voice, blog, and the written word, I can contribute, and raise awareness through creative mediums easy on the eye and to permeable the mind.

Below is a poem I wrote, titled Rich Poverty, No Gain, one of many from my book, A Leap of Faith

What does it mean for you?

Surviving Humanity

For myself, these words bring awareness to our leaders, their energy and potential capped by the perception of their realities reflected in the ego self.

When the ego is blinded, they see not with their hearts.

They see not the beauty in life that exists all around.

They see not the poverty & desperate cries that exist in front of their very own hands.

If they did, they would simply know and prioritise to make change. Limited by the reality of their own reflection, they become complicated, constricted, controlled and controlling.

The balance of shame, Rich Poverty, No Gain.

Surviving Humanity

Learn more about Anna Jane and her work. Visit: https://leapoffaithwellness.com.au/

Leap of Faith Wellness Anna Jane Wilson

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