
Depression to light your fire!


The dark nights of the Soul can come to us all at any moment. Since Easter this year, I have unexpectedly faced a degree of anxiety and depression.

Depression seeks silence. It seeks to navigate our darkness & find a flickering light within. In the darkest place does shine the brightest light.

Easter is a time of renewal & re-birth so perhaps I needed to listen & connect to my light within, to nurture it so that it may shine more brightly.

Depression makes you act to fulfil your unfilled desires!!

The uncertainly of depression brings a certainty of sadness. As the self plummets into a whirl of confusion, the soul seeks understanding. Solitude becomes one.

The Blessing of Depression

I have discovered that there is a blessing to be found with depression.It can make us act to fulfil our unfilled desires, bringing new focus and a new path.

So below I share a poem, to break down depression and inspire at the same time.

A poem on depression

So, today I share just a short blog. Its 3.30am on my side of the world, so I must get back to sleep.

I hope you do to with hope in your heart!

Feel inspired by more of my poetry in my book, A Leap of Faith

Leap of Faith Wellness Anna Jane Wilson

With love

Anna Jane

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