
The Beauty of Life at Christmas


Lest we forget those who are deprived of experiencing beauty, we have a choice to love and thrive!

A Leap of Faith at Christmas

Christmas is a time for families to come together and celebrate unity! It is a time of enhanced joy!

For some though, this is not the case, and Christmas can be all to overwhelming as ones heartache maybe magnified amongst the celebrations around them.

But remember, in the darkest hour does shine ones greatest light. And beauty is all around us and within us.

Above I share a poem, titled, “The Beauty of Life” I wrote when facing my own dark hours the year my first born passed away whose due date was 1st January. I was alone, unmarried and processing deep grief.

This was some time ago now back in 2005.

Never lose hope, seek the beauty in the universe in peace and quiet.

Below is a link to my book, A Leap of Faith, offering healing and solace. Available as an E Book today.

The universe is always whispering.

Merry Christmas to you all

With love Anna Jane X

E Book AUD$3.99

With love

Anna Jane X

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