
Our World Vibrates …Take a Leap of Faith


Our world vibrates, our love, our hate,

Soaks up our vibration, and rocks every nation,

Our world, Mother Earth, where we love and give birth,

Provided we are, yet our hate, sets us afar,

And we bawl and cry out,


Our answer is always inside….

Our World Today…

The world today is suffering. War, poverty, global warming, man continues to fight and leaders meet to discuss on nuclear weapons. If we look outside, we see the hate in the world portrayed by our media.

Today, tragedy is taking force everywhere.

Our hate in the world is dispelled once absorbed, displacement occurring on a large scale within human kind as well as Mother Nature.

Mother Nature, she too must release her negativity and does so in the way of natural disasters.

You see, we are one. We breathe the oxygen she provides us, she takes up our carbon dioxide we expel. She is forever healing.

It is in silence, we hear, we listen and only then, wisdom can begin to sound.

Below is a channelled prose I am inspired to share today, one of many from my book, A Leap of Faith. ( available as E Book AUD$3.99)

My book carries many a message from and to the soul for mankind. It portrays a journey inwards towards self love and the mirror to make change, united on a global scale.

Our world vibrates, our love, our hate….Take a Leap of Faith!

Kabbalah, Buddhism,
Self-awareness, Responsibility
They all take part
In your growth to self-love
Your sacred art

Our immortal spirit
 Makes change from within
Extract from the outside
Find faith deep within

Our immortal spirit
On each journey is taught
The exact same lesson
Until wisdom is brought

When wisdom does come
Look inside, become one
With action and words
Karma has begun

It takes effect
On global template
Your energy does create
The love, the hate

In this world of suffering
Poverty and war
Earthquakes and arguing
Try to love more and more

For love brings calm
The sun after rain
Break through the cycle
Love again and again

Fear not of thy past
That makes you fight back
Your destiny is your own
There’s no need for attack

Open your heart
Ears and eyes
Join your friends,
Remove the disguise

Take a walk in the park
When you feel blue
Mother nature is there
To simply love you!

Excerpt From
A Leap of Faith
Anna Jane Wilson

With love Anna Jane

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