
Open the Door- A Spiritual Awakening Experience


Anyone can open a door. We do that all the time. But what about to the door within? Where is the key?

When a spiritual awakening occurs, we turn inwards. Such an experience occurs with the opening of the heart space.

Grief and the experience of an event that triggers grief can lead to the opening of the heart space. This provides the potential for a spiritual awakening experience.

The Key to True Freedom

Wouldn’t that be nice! A key to true infinite freedom.

What is freedom to you? More money? Inner contentment? Peace of mind?

We each and everyone of us have our version of freedom, be that monetary or otherwise.

But what if you found a way for infinite abundance? Where financial abundance is a part of your freedom but only when inner contentment is attained first.

The journey inwards is not an easy one. It may take time and more than one key.

Yet, it can be the most rewarding!

Below I share a poem, titled the Key to True Freedom. I am happy to share this poem on my blog today.

Read it to its end in the text under the image. Its worth it! I hope you love it as much as I do!

The Key to True Freedom
Saturday, 15 July 2006

The lock and key
One key can fit three
Yet, as one ascends,
Three shall no longer be
Two locks, one key
As time goes by
Will await and greet
New love, as the old does die
And finally one key
Remains at thy forte
For one key and one lock
Begin to teach, what one was taught..
The door to the soul
Opens wide, the wind blows in
A whirlwind of karma
To lift you up
Out of your dark bin
And cleanse thy soul
The dark clutching the walls
That prevent the divine young
To stand bold and tall
The soul does awaken,
After the pain comes true joy
True inner wisdom
A seed in your soil
Tears water our Earth
Air ignites our fire
The power of love
Will fulfill one’s true desire
And let flower your seed
Of your inner kingdom
Flower to the full
And let sway in true freedom

Excerpt From
A Leap of Faith 
Anna Jane Wilson

A Leap of Faith

Grief was my first key to experiencing an spiritual awakening. This became my Leap of Faith!

This poem is one of many I share in my first publication, A Leap of Faith occurring when I too was experiencing deep grief, following the birth and passing of my first born, James in the August of 2005. I was 33 at the time.

The year prior, I was a troubled soul, suffering depression. I was lost in both worlds, my inner and my outer. I knew not about self- love.

As the channeled poem, The Key to True Freedom offers,

When the soul awakens, after the pain comes true joy!

Never lose faith!

With love Anna Jane X


A Leap of Faith – Love, Hate and Mental Debate -E book AUD$3.99

An Artists Story- Self Love & Loving your Inner Child-E book AUD $3.99

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