
Super Moon – The Spirit Awakens


Some refer to her as Mother Moon.

A feminine energy, Mother Moon can encourage us to retreat and turn inwards connecting with our inner spirit and emotions.

The astrological sign, Cancer, is governed by the energies of the moon. The sensitive Cancerian is a water sign governed by emotion. The planet Neptune influences Cancer as the planet of dreams and the power of the subconcious mind.

Around full moon, we can feel more emotion, and become energetically restless. That restlessness is our barometer to move towards our soul purposes, our passions, and our dreams.

Emotions & The Full Moon

As humans, we experience emotion. Emotion comes in many forms. Some are more pleasant than others. Love, hate, mental debate, jealousy, lust, grief , compassion, rage..the list is long.

At times around full moon, these emotions can intensify. Emotion can stir your spirit into action. We can master emotion, detach and let it pass rather than fester inside. However for many, this is a challenge and we can feel like we are burning inside.

The Spirit Awakens – Expansion

I painted the below painting, which I named, “The Spirit Awakens” on the day of my first borns cremation. This was five days after his passing in August 2005.

I was home alone, full of emotion. Part of me on fire, the other in deep grief. It was on that same day, I scribbled on a piece of paper, “Leap of Faith Wellness….worldwide.” That was August 18th 2005.

The full moon on the weekend was a super moon and perhaps a challenge for some, who too felt an inner fire emerge, seeking their silence within for expansion to occur.

Below is an extract from my publication, A Leap of Faith.

“Thy child is spent, does put down the pen, picks up a paintbrush to find colour within. 
The paintings do speak, a voice to free pain, do convey thy messages of wisdom to gain.
But first the healing, a cycle of grief, to help one to process, to find some relief, and finally thy heart will become thy chief."

The Spirit Awakens
The spirit is stirring
The full moon awakes
The internal fire
Fight internal wars of debate
Wishing to free
From the mind with ease
To discover self-love
And live free
From mental disease

Excerpt From
A Leap of Faith
Anna Jane Wilson

Inner Desire- Follow your dream – The Spirit Awakens

What is your inner desire? What do you dream to do or be?

Mine has long been to be a writer and artist. At the age of 51, I believe I am finally arriving fully onto that path!

Lets see!

With love Anna Jane X

About Anna Jane Wilson

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